Bexhill Classic & Custom Car Show August 2019
This year's August Bank Holiday Monday brought brilliant sunshine, and also a record breaking Classic Car Show for the Bexhill 100 Motoring Club. For the first time ever, we had to close the entry gates for vehicles at 10.45, as the showground was full to capacity with over 650 cars on show.
Bexhill’s Mayor, Cllr Kathy Harmer opened the show, accompanied by Summer, one of the lovely children from Charity for Kids (Rother). The proceeds from this show are going to be included in the Club’s 20-20-20 project, as they are aiming to raise £20,000 by the year 2020, which will be shared between Glyne Gap School and Charity for Kids (Rother).
Trophies presented were:
•The Best in Show trophy was presented by Bexhill’s Mayor, to Trevor Lucas for his Hillman Super Minx
•The Best modified vehicle trophy winner was Barry Hunter for his 2009 Mazda MX5
•Best Bexhill 100 Club Car was presented by Abul Azad to Terry Bing for his 1947 Triumph Roadster
•The Best Classic trophy was presented to Geoff and Tina Pollard for their 1933 Austin 7
•Best American and Custom Car prize was presented by Chris and Heidi Speck to Ian McCoubrey for his 1948 Chevrolet panel van
•Best commercial vehicle was Rambler Coach’s 1935 Bedford Coach – presented by David and Sheila Dickens-Smith
•The best motorbike trophy was presented by Alan Timms to Richard White for his 1946 Indian Chief motorcycle
•Pauline Forward presented the Peter Nowak trophy to Gillian and Alan Beecher for their 1971 MGBGT
Feedback from visitors to the show was extremely positive - Cllr Jay Brewerton said “the Bexhill 100 Car Show was absolutely superb, with the Wheeler Dealers TV show in attendance, it has to be the best car show in the South East. Well done all who donated their time in whatever volunteering capacity to create this fabulous event”.
Club Treasurer Charlie Rowland said: “Many thanks to all who supported our event at the Polegrove yesterday. To all our marshals, thank you for the work you did throughout what was probably the hottest show day we have ever had, Mayors past and present and of course the children we have supported through Charity for Kids, all the vehicle owners, traders and most of all, the public for attending the show. It’s looking like a record breaker on all fronts judging by the number of number of cars entered, trade stands and visitors through the gates.”
Bexhill 100 Motoring Club Chairman, Chris Speck would like to pass on a massive thank you to Town Taxis, for stepping in at the last minute to sponsor the free children’s’ funfair and to Birchwood Ford for their generous sponsorship, and also for bringing some wonderful cars for visitors to enjoy. Sincere thanks to all our many sponsors for their support and generosity. Our thanks must also go to Mike Brewer for his support on the day and for his donation to Charity for Kids (Rother). Mike said that he thought the show was amazing and it was an absolute delight for him to be there
This was a remarkable day in the history of the Club, and visitors who attended will certainly go away with some happy memories.