The Bexhill 100 Motoring Club
PO Box 159
Bexhill - on - Sea
East Sussex
TN39 3XE
Bexhill 100 Motoring Club
Copyright 2011-2012 Bexhill 100 Motoring Club
Bexhill on Sea - The Birthplace of British Motor Racing (1902)
e-mail: bexhill100@bexhill100mc.co.uk

New Years Day Run 6th January 2019

Click on pictures for more information
This year’s “New Year’s Day Run” was organised by Dave & Moira Foster. This year’s run was to Scotney Castle and lunch at Butcher’s Hook Café at Heathfield. We met at the De La Warr Pavilion as usual assembling at 09.15 for departure at 09.30 via Battle up the A21 to Scotney Castle with the usual quiz on the way (part One). There was a fantastic turn out for the first meeting of the year with over 40 members and a selection of classic cars and modern cars for the run. The days weather was dry but overcast and standing around with a cold wind. If you have never been to Scotney Castle it is well worth the trip it is a National Trust property. Some members ventured into the house which I was informed that had been transformed into a Victorian Christmas house quite spectacular by all accounts. Coffee and snack in the café for a good gossip and natter and meet new members. At approximately 12.30 the club set off on the second part of the run and quiz for lunch at Heathfield and the results of the quiz given after we had eaten. This year’s quiz winners were Ian & Marion Stanley (a bottle of wine and a Land Rover Bear). It was incidentally also our Treasurers birthday, Charlie Rowland, and of course Happy Birthday was sung to him, I think he was duly embarrassed if that is possible.
A Big thank you again to Dave and Moira for organising this event.