The Bexhill 100 Motoring Club
PO Box 159
Bexhill - on - Sea
East Sussex
TN39 3XE
Bexhill 100 Motoring Club
Copyright 2011-2012 Bexhill 100 Motoring Club
Bexhill on Sea - The Birthplace of British Motor Racing (1902)
Presentation Night
26th September 2015
Bexhill 100 Motoring Club donated £12,000 to local charitable organisations during their cheque presentation evening last Friday at Cooden Beach Tennis & Squash Club. This money was raised from proceeds of their annual Classic Car Show, held on August Bank Holiday Monday and from this year’s two Anglo/Continental Street Markets.
The Mayor of Bexhill, Cllr Abul Azad was in attendance to present the cheques, and he thanked Bexhill 100 MC for doing wonderful work for Bexhill’s local community.
Five local charities were supported by the Car Show and they each received a cheque for £2,000. These charities are: Hastings RNLI Lifeboat Station; St Michael’s Hospice; Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice; Bexhill Heritage and Glyne Gap School, and they were voted for by the Bexhill 100 members during their AGM which took place in May 2018. The Anglo/Continental Street Market supported two charities – Charity for Kids Hastings & Rother and Shining Lights (for Bexhill’s Christmas street lighting), and they received a cheque of £1,000 each.
The success of this year’s Car Show also enabled Bexhill 100 MC to purchase a WW1 Tommy Statue to commemorate the end of the First World War, and this will be inaugurated at the War Memorial, Little Common Roundabout on Saturday 10th November 2018.
Club Chairman and joint show organiser, Chris Speck, said that being able to make these donations makes all the hard work throughout the year worthwhile, and he passed his thanks to the club members and show exhibitors for their combined efforts in making this year such a great success. He also passed on grateful thanks to the main sponsors of the Classic & Custom Car Show - Abbott & Abbott estate agents of Bexhill and Little Common; Motest of Middlesex Road and Birchwood Ford of St Leonards-on-Sea
Club Treasurer, Charlie Rowland said: “everyone worked hard throughout the year and the good weather on the day yet again produced a record turnout for the Car Show. He added that this years’ figures bring the total amount that the Club has given to local charities in the past 14 years to in excess of £70,000.
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