The Bexhill 100 Motoring Club
PO Box 159
Bexhill - on - Sea
East Sussex
TN39 3XE
Bexhill 100 Motoring Club
Copyright 2011-2012 Bexhill 100 Motoring Club
Bexhill on Sea - The Birthplace of British Motor Racing (1902)
e-mail: bexhill100@bexhill100mc.co.uk

Murder Mistery Friday Night Run
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Bexhill 100 Secretary and French Market Organiser. Lynn is a well known figurehead of the Bexhill 100, although she may have a dubious past (which has been hinted at by her family) being into witchcraft and the occult. There has also been rumours of pole dancing and other similar activities.
(Lynn’s Alibi)
I had to attend a meeting at Rother District Council, as I needed to see how they work as a team and to try to follow their dynamic approach to running this town. Unfortunately, after 2 minutes, I fell into a deep sleep, which resulted in the meeting being severely disturbed by y unavoidable snores, and after bravely trying to battle through the noise for the 3 hours it took to decide what colour ink to use when signing the minutes of the last RDC gathering, the meeting was halted whilst they tried to wake me up and escort me from the building.
(Lynn’s Motive)
The above lady was interviewed as a suspect for the crime, as she had been publicly harassed by the victim, who hinted that she may have been involved with the local coven. In addition, there is evidence that he was trying to damage her reputation as a feminist by bombarding her with literature about knitting etc. This brought back disturbing memories of how she failed as a mother because she still has not finished knitting her son’s Christening robe, and he has just passed his 37th birthday.
Bexhill 100 Club Night Organiser, recently taken over running the events from Chris & Heidi. Rolls Royce owner and Chauffeur.
(Graham’s Alibi)
I am very concerned that I am being considered as a suspect for this murder.
I was not in the area at the time of the incident as I was in Norfolk. Two days before I had received an urgent request to take my Rolls Royce to Sandringham to be available to drive Her Majesty the Queen and Prince Phillip to a number of engagements as several of their cars had been damaged when filled with petrol instead of diesel.
The Queen remembered my car from the day I had stepped in to drive her on an official engagement in Winchester in 1976. I did not return to East Sussex until a week after this terrible murder took place.
(Graham’s Motive)
I expect Chris to call me Sire at all times, as I do have a Rolls Royce. He continues to try to get above his station and does need to be slapped down to his level.
Wife of Dave Dickens Smith. 1st year on the Bexhill 100 Committee and is employed as a local care worker. Recently been plagued by mice in their new home
(Sheila’s Alibi)
I was out shopping getting some poison for the mice at home at the time of the crime. There was good humour and banter on the Committee and I don’t know who could have don’t it.
(Sheila’s Motive)
Sheila blamed Chris for the mice infestation as it was Heidi who had originally found their new home for them.
Bexhill 100 Web Designer and Organiser. Retired Civil Servant and married to Lynn the Club Secretary.
(Paul’s Alibi)
Following my visit to Helenswood School, Hastings, with Robin Adams, we were invited back to view a DVD which they had made of our visit about 2 weeks ago. The pupils and teachers in yesr 8 can all bear witness that I was there because they all had to view the DVD as part of their project work around the life and times of Dorothy Levitt.
(Paul’s Motive)
I was called back to the Foreign Office some weeks ago and given a special mission (due to my high security rating). They had been aware for some time of a sleeper who had become live within recent years and was trading secrets with unfriendly countries using codes such as
‘having coffee at Gatwick Airport’ or ‘having coffee at McDonalds, Gatwick Airport’, and they wanted him eliminated before he gave away the ultimate secret of how to steal the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London. I carried out my assignment as a loyal member of Her Majesty’s Government, and I had no choice in the matter.
Bexhill 100 Club Regalia, also a member of Egerton Park Bowls Club.
(Brian’s Alibi)
I was at home with Anne all day. I am shocked this crime has happened and have no idea who committed it.
(Brian’s Motive)
Chris keeps asking for 5XL shirts and I just can’t get them, he’s doing my head in.