The Bexhill 100 Motoring Club
PO Box 159
Bexhill - on - Sea
East Sussex
TN39 3XE
Bexhill 100 Motoring Club
Copyright 2011-2012 Bexhill 100 Motoring Club
Bexhill on Sea - The Birthplace of British Motor Racing (1902)
e-mail: bexhill100@bexhill100mc.co.uk

Glyne Gap School Visit 18 December
Santa and his Hot Rod Sleigh visited Glyne Gap School today. He presented a cheque to the school which was part of the Bexhill100 project 2020 to raise money for two local charities. The cheque was for £12,000 which is going towards a sensory playground for the Children. The pupils were very enthusiastic to meet Father Christmas in his Sleigh. We were very lucky as the weather was fine and dry but cold as it has been over the last few years when we have visited the school.
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