The Bexhill 100 Motoring Club
PO Box 159
Bexhill - on - Sea
East Sussex
TN39 3XE
Bexhill 100 Motoring Club
Copyright 2011-2012 Bexhill 100 Motoring Club
Bexhill on Sea - The Birthplace of British Motor Racing (1902)
e-mail: bexhill100@bexhill100mc.co.uk

Brooklands Coach Trip
The Bexhill 100 Motoring Club held a coach trip to Brooklands race circuit for the Austin/Morris day, and to view the many historic exhibits to be found there.One member, Bob, decided he would make the journey in his 1946 Morris Ten. He arrived early and eventually he started to recognise club members. The coach had arrived.
Brooklands hosts many exhibits from the early days of Motor Racing. Many of the old buildings that manufacturers of racing cars once used still exist.
Many Austin and Morris cars made the trip and were proudly shown by their owners.
The picture on the left shows an Austin 7 car, but fitted with a 3 cylinder radial engine.
Brooklands is also home to many historic aircraft exhibits. One of the Concorde aircraft is available to walk round and for a small fee you can look inside.
A hanger also holds a Wellington Bomber and a Vickers Vimmy.
Parts of the historic Brooklands banking still survive and the drivers that brought their cars along got the chance to take them onto the banking for a photo opportunity.
Pictured on the right is Bob's Morris Ten on the Brooklands banking. He is pictured with 2 of the Bexhill 100 Motoring Club's Junior Members.
It is not until you see this picture of club member Mike Rosner sitting on the Brooklands banking that you realise just how steep it is. It must have been an amazing experience racing round this track in the old racing cars, back in the good old days.